Thursday, March 19, 2020

President Trump Defends Labeling Coronavirus The ‘Chinese Virus’

President Trump Defends Labeling Coronavirus The ‘Chinese Virus’
“ABC’s reporter Cecilia Vega gets schooled ”

President Trump defended himself from allegations of racism and xenophobia that were leveled in response to his calling the Wuhan coronavirus the “Chinese virus,” telling reporters that “it comes from China” and that “it’s not racist at all” to use the label.

He used the term “Chinese virus” in a tweet Wednesday morning and was asked about why he used the phrase by ABC reporter Cecilia Vega, who referenced “dozens of incidents of bias against Chinese Americans” since the outbreak.
“Because it comes from China,” Trump stated, adding that “it’s not racist at all, no, not at all.”
“It comes from China, that’s why. It comes from China. I want to be accurate,” Trump said. “I have great love for all of the people from our country, but as you know, China tried to say at one point — maybe they stopped now — that it was caused by American soldiers. That can’t happen, it’s not going to happen, not as long as I’m president.”

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