Monday, September 23, 2019

The Climate Change Hypocrisy

The Climate Change Hypocrisy

The climate freaks have it all WRONG.

Not that they’re off-base with climate change…

You’d have to be blind, ignorant, or stubborn to not understand that humans and the waste we produce are affecting the planet in a notable way.


Is it to the extent that the “progressives” say it is?


The world is not going to end in 12 years, and there isn’t a finite timetable that we have to save the planet…

But we SHOULD do something – not because we need to save the planet, but because we need to save ourselves.

Now, before we get into where the climate freaks have it all wrong…

Let’s talk about hypocrisy.

Rules For THEE… Not For ME!

Like most Leftists, it seems the ones that make the biggest fuss about an issue don’t truly practice what they preach…

They have things they want everybody else on the planet to do – but when it comes to their own actions, their actions don’t match their words.

And that seems to be the case for almost any issue from the Left…

“Rules for THEE… not for ME.”

Case in point?

The recent climate change march that took place in New York City.

This climate march, called the Climate Strike, seemed to bring climate activists out of the woodwork. Thousands of people showed up with their cute little signs and their banners and their megaphones, preaching to the choir about the dangers that humans present to the planet.

It was all very touchy-feely and inspirational and empowering…

However, it was also very wasteful
After the march, the very same signs that they were carrying, as well as any of the trash that came with them—like Starbucks cups, for example—were left all over the streets of the Big Apple.

If you Google pictures of the aftermath, you’ll be disgusted…

Not just by the amount of the waste they left, but by the fact that they left any litter at all. These people are supposed to be an EXAMPLE…

They’re supposed to be the ones that show the rest of us—who aren’t as environmentally conscious—how to do it.

They’re like Bernie Sanders claiming to be socialist…

He expounds upon the virtues and values of socialism, but lives and acts like a capitalist.

Many environmentalists are the same…

They talk about the virtues and values of environmentalism and how good it will be for the planet and future generations…then continue to drive around in SUVs and drink Starbucks like it’s going out of style.
It’s ridiculous and hypocritical…

And it’s why most people can’t get behind the movement. If they’re not living how they’re telling us we should live, then they’re just offering lip service.

What Environmentalists SHOULD Be Pushing

They’ve got it all wrong…

They’re marching to bring attention to the wrong values.

Here’s the truth: humans produce waste. Not just biological – but the trash that surrounds our lives is inevitable and no amount of marching or policy changes are going to fix that.

If these people TRULY cared about the environment, they’d understand that they can’t stop humans from producing waste…

But what they CAN do is bring more attention (and MONEY) to solutions that combat the waste that humans create.

Carbon monoxide converters, trash converters, clean energy – these are the things we should be talking about…

Not banning air travel and hamburgers.
Scientists have discovered ways to turn plastic BACK into oil, they’ve discovered ways to turn a metric ton of plastic trash into a metric yard, and the innovations just keep coming…

These are the solutions we need to be putting time and money into, figuring out how to take this technology to a much larger scale.

We’ve even got scientists figuring out how to turn carbon monoxide into oxygen… Well... By using the energy of sunlight,  plants can convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen in a process called photosynthesis. As photosynthesis requires sunlight, this process only happens during the day. The ocean  produces oxygen through the plants (phytoplankton, kelp, and algal  plankton) that live in it.
Can you imagine if we pushed these kinds of innovations instead of trying to take things away?

It’s a lot easier to get people to accept technological innovation than it is to ban things like gas-powered cars and plastic straws.

They may wake up to this fact…

Let’s just hope it’s not too late.

“Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship…the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.” ― Peter Drucker

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