Saturday, June 22, 2019

WD-40: 40 Amazing Ways to Use It so You Can Be like MacGyver

WD-40: 40 Amazing Ways to Use It so You Can Be like MacGyver

Life Hacks

By Gur Tirosh
NOTE: For Gun Owners... To WD-40 or Not WD-40... That is the Question... WD-40 is a water displacer, NOT a lubricant. Yes, it works as a lubricant at first, but when it dries, it turns into a gunk that will gum up the works if the tolerances are tight. It would work well for getting water out of the nooks and crannies, but then a solvent (to get the WD-40 out) and a real lube or just a CLP (like Break-Free spray) should probably be used.
When it comes to lubing moving parts (whether a firearm, door hinge, or whatever), I'd recommend a real lubricant like a Teflon spray over WD-40 every time. 

Did you know that WD-40 (Water Displacement, 40th formula) has a lot more uses than just fixing squeaky hinges; preventing rust, and displacing moisture?

While the substance is popular for being common in American households, their versatility is still unknown to some individuals. WD-40 was made way back in 1953 to prevent a missile from rust and corrosion. But then it was found that it acts as one of the most useful tools in your home maintenance arsenal.

Whether you are looking to repel insects and roaches, remove tough scuff marks, clean toilet bowl or wipe away the tea stains, WD-40 comes to your rescue.
Well, the applications don’t end here. This substance is also perfect for getting off that stuck ring, winter proof shoes, clean license plates, loosen the zippers, keeping the squirrels off the bird feeder, and a lot more uses.

Although handymen and mechanists mainly use this substance, it also works ideal for you; if you don’t want tons of products on your cleaning shelf.

So, if you have WD-40 lying in the garage, here are 40 amazing ways on how you can use it.

1. Remove Stuck Chewing Gum from Hair

Chewing gum sticks on almost everything, be it hair or fabric. But perhaps, one of the worst situations occurs, when chewing gum is stuck into your child’s hair. Well, you need not worry; nor you have to run for scissors or cutter, as there is a remedy for this nightmare, WD-40.
Spray WD-40 on the gummed hair, comb them, and the gum will come ease. After combing, wash the hair thoroughly. Before you spray, ensure that you are in an area with good ventilation as the substance has petroleum, and you don’t want it around your body for a longer duration. 

2. No More Lipstick Marks on the Collar

Well, lipstick marks are the stains that you don’t want to take home and show it to your significant other. They also don’t look good sticking on the collar of your white shirt. However, to get rid of them, spray a squirt of WD-40 on it. It comes with a water displacement formula that works as a pre-wash treatment for your stain.

Spray WD-40 directly on the stain; leave it there for few minutes, and wash it. You can remove it either by washing machine or hand wash. However, make sure you don’t wash it directly. Chances are the lipstick stain may spread on the entire collar. 

3. Loosen Up the Stuck Zippers

No situation can come up worst rather than you waking up late and the finding that your bag has got a stuck zipper on it. You try tugging on it, but there is a chance that you might end up breaking it. WD-40 is the solution.
Spray it lightly on the zipper teeth, work it up and down, rub-off the excess substance and you’re good to go. If you want to avoid getting WD-40 on the fabric, spray it on a lid, and then apply it on the surface with a brush. The best thing is that it works for all kinds of zippers. 

4. Give Tarnished Silver a Polished Look

There is no denying that Silver, if not taken care of or stored correctly tarnishes over time. Whether you have heirloom silver or vintage utensils in your cabinet, a bit of cleaning prevents it from tainting. No, you don’t have to spend a fortune, a bit of WD-40 works for this situation.

Spray the substance on the affected area (in case of tarnishing) or the entire area to polish it, and then use a soft cloth to clean it off. WD-40 will protect the silver shining and will leave it gleaming in no time. However, make sure, you wash the surface after cleaning it as WD-40 has petroleum in it. 

5. Clean Water Stains from Your Shower Door

Has your shower caused the water stains on the door? There is no denying that removing water stains is one of the most frustrating home cleaning problems. Not anymore! Find yourself some WD-40, get spraying on the shower door, let it sit down for 20 minutes, and rub them down with a cloth.
This process removes even the most resistant water stain. Not just the resilient, but it will also help you get rid of the unsightly water stains. While it may take you some time to clean the entire shower, the results will give you the shower back in its original condition. 

6. Remove That Tight and Stuck Wedding Ring

There are times when the skin becomes sweaty and expand. If you have got yourself in a situation like this with your wedding ring, turn to WD-40. Whether you need to remove it to change the ring or take it off once a day, a spray of slips it right off from the finger.
Just a short burst of spray helps you take it off according to your convenience. So, while you are trying to lose those extra pounds or planning to do the dishes, WD-40 will do nothing, but help you remove it. Remember to wash your hands properly after spraying WD-40 on them. 

7. Waterproof the Shoes for Winters

Do you hate wet socks or dread when water gets into your shoes? If yes! Waterproof your shoes by spraying a layer of WD-40 on it. Make sure that you cover the entire sole or shoe so that the footwear is not prone to any damage.
The WD-40 layer acts as a barrier and does not let the moisture to seep in and wet your socks. It not only creates a waterproof barrier for shoes but also helps you to get rid of salt stains during the winters. Just spray WD-40 on to the stains and wipe them off with a clean cloth. 

8. Keep the Toilet Bowls Clean

Does your toiled bowl have stubborn stains? It is apparent that you’d like to clean it, but none of the special cleaning products seems to work on that ugly junk. To keep the stains from getting permanent on it, use WD-40. Wet the area with stains with a spray, and then wait for a few minutes.
As the substance will settle down on stains, it will break down the gunk, and then you can scrub the area with a toilet brush. Moreover, it will also prevent any future debris from sticking along the sides. Once you have cleaned with WD-40, you can complete the cleaning with the products such as vinegar, bleach or plain soap. 

9. Open up a Rusty Door Lock

Nothing is more troublesome than coming home to find that you don’t have entry due to a rusty door lock. WD-40 is a light lubricant that attracts less dirt and loosens the rust accumulated in the lock. Spray a shot of WD-40 into the lock through the thin nozzle, and you will witness the results, within minutes.
The best part about using this lubricant is that it helps the key fit in the lock, regardless of the amount of rust in it. We recommend investing in a new lock if this is coming up as a consistent problem, but for that instance, WD-40 comes to your rescue. 

10. Is Your Phone Screen Cracked? WD-40 Can Fix It

We’ve all been there when it happened. We drop our phones and look in disbelief when the screen is cracked. As disappointing as it is, there’s now a solution!
Sure, it won’t completely “cure” the crack, but it can really improve the screen’s appearance. At least until you decide to finally go and fix the screen. Just spray the WD40 on and wipe it off with a dry and clean cloth. 

11. Remove Tea and Coffee Stains from Furniture Items

Whether you are struggling through a late night assignment with a cup of tea or sipping on caffeine casually, we all are guilty of spilling them. With this, they become one of the toughest stains to remove from furniture items. But you need not to worry as WD-40 helps you remove them.
Just apply a squirt or two of this cleaning solution on the surface, give it some time to work, and then scrub it with a clean cloth. As you start wiping it, you will see, the table will reflect a cleaner surface than ever. 

12. Clean Tar Stains from Your Car

All the car lovers have gone through the pain of removing tar from the car without scraping the paint from it. While many of you might be spending a fortune on expensive cleaning products, you don’t realize that a WD-40 can also do the trick. So, if you’d like to save some time cleaning your car, WD-40 is excellent at removing tar.
To clean tar stains, spray WD-40 on the affected area, wait for the product to settle in, and then gently scrub it away. With this approach, you will find it easier to remove the stain, plus the car paint or polish will also not suffer any damage. 

13. Get Rid of Mildew from Refrigerator Gasket

Like every other house owner, you also might have dealt with mildew in your refrigerator gaskets. Well, when inside moisture buildup coincides with the outer warmth, the gaskets in your refrigerator become a place for mildew and mold. To clean it, spray a spurt of WD-40 on the affected area, let it sit for a few minutes, and then wipe off.
You can also spray some WD-40 onto the rag or a clean cloth, and then wipe the mildew away. Use cotton swabs for tighter sections, and repeat it, until all stains are gone. Not only your fridge will look new, but it’ll never attract the bacteria ever again.

14. Break the Morning Frost Build-Up on Windows

Do you live in a country with a cold climate or does the weather forecast predict a winter snowstorm? You cannot stop the snowstorm from coming, but you can definitely prevent the snow or frost build-up on your windows, car mirrors, doors, and locks. Just spray a coat of WD-40 on it before the snow storm is about to come, and the frost won’t stick on it.
If there is a frost build-up, spray some WD-40 on windows, let it sit, and the frost will automatically melt away. Later, a wipe or two will wipe away the existing ice. This approach may seem cold and tedious to you, but the result makes you deal with no more ice. 

15. Clean and Polish That Pair of Scissors

It comes as no surprise that scissors come as a handy tool for various activities. Whether you want to sew, craft, cut chicken breasts or do gardening, scissors always help. But with time, they rust, get gunk on them, and become sticky over time. To clean and give them a longer time, just spray a dash of WD-40 on it.
Apply some of it on the hinges and blades by opening and closing them repeatedly, let it sit, and wipe it down with a clean cloth to prevent rusting. Make sure that you do not use any water on it as it can cause rusting in the future. Reference:

16. Remove Sticker and Decal Residue from Any Surface

We all have sticker residue stuck on the car windshield and bumpers, but who says you need a chisel or fingernail to remove it? Spray a squirt of WD-40 on it, let it lubricate the surface, and then wipe it off with the soap and a clean cloth.
The same approach also works to remove stickers and decals from almost any surface. Coat the sticker with WD-40, wait for a few moments so that it can soak adequately, and then gently peel it away. However, make sure you wash your hands so that no substance is on your fingers. 

17. Squirrel Proof the Bird Feeders

While bird feeders are a great way to attract birds in your area, it also draws pesky little creatures like squirrels. These creatures have a strong inclination to climb the poles, mounted on the top, and eat all the seeds in it. However, to prevent it, all you need is to spray the entire pole with WD-40.
The squirt of WD-40 will make the pole slippery due to which the squirrels will keep sliding as they attempt to score a free meal. Not only this approach keeps your bird feeder safe, but will also prevent yourself from fighting with those little rodents and squirrels.

18. Remove Crayon and Marker Marks from Walls

Do your little ones use walls as a coloring book or are your walls already scribbled with wax crayons at some point? Well, you need not panic as WD-40 will come to your rescue. Although crayons are difficult to remove due to a waxy ingredient in it, WD-40s water displacement technology works for it.
Spray some WD-40 on the crayon stains, scrub them, and the stain will disappear in no time. The best thing about using this substance is that it will work without damaging the wall paints. So, whether your kid is a budding artist or likes to create artworks on walls, now you know how to clean them.

19. Keep Dead Bugs from Sticking on your Car

Every time you plan a trip or drive on the highway, your car gets bugs on it. Sometimes, even dead bugs stick to everything, be it car radiators, windshields or number plates. To avoid it, spray some WD-40 on the prone areas before you leave for your drive.
As you spray, take a cloth, and it will help you take off the sticky residue. You can also take a squirt on the cloth, wipe the affected area, and the bugs will slide right off. So, if a heat wave is making you think twice about your summer trip, use WD-40.

20. Clean Mascara from Hardwood Floors

We apply mascara on eyelashes, but often left wonder on how it got on that floor. No! You don’t have to clean up with water. Turn to WD-40. Just use a couple of sprays of this substance on the area, and wipe it off with a clean cloth.
Cleaning with WD-40 will restore the floor to its original condition without damaging its integrity. And maybe, the last thing you want is bad flooring. Not just mascara, it will help you remove all the makeup product spills, be it lip colors, eyeliners or blushers. 

21. Extend the Life of Shower Heads

A great shower is essential to enhance your everyday bathing experience. But with this, it is also essential to work on prolonging your shower experience. They get grimy with time and sometimes have rust in them. So, have you ever thought of a substance that can help extend the life of shower heads? 
Extend the life of shower heads by spraying head with WD-40, letting it sit for a few minutes, and then rubbing it down it with a clean cloth. This process will prevent rust formation and will remove water stains as well. You can also use WD-40 for other bathroom fixtures to prolong their usage.

22. Filter Dust from the Air Conditioner

In the summer season with scorching heat, we can’t imagine our lives without air conditioners. ACs act as lifesavers but they also come up with a problem, the machines blow around the dust in our surroundings. While you prefer to leave the maintenance to professionals, how about trying a WD-40 hack.
Spray some WD-40 on the filter. This cleaning solution will enable the dust to aggregate, which otherwise enters your home. Not only this approach gives you cleaner air, but an honest and good filter helps cut down on energy bills and keeps your air conditioning running efficiently. Moreover, you will also get cleaner air to breathe in.

23. Remove Leftover Adhesive Tapes from any Surface

Whether you are to fix something or hold things together, Adhesive tapes work excellent on any surface. But removing it without leaving any residue is no less than a daunting task. If you are also dealing with the same situation, look no further than using WD-40. This solution works for all the tags and tapes that refuse to come off.
To remove, drench the surface with a spray of WD-40, let it sit for a few minutes on the tape area, and then wipe the leftover tape off. So, regardless of your adhesive tape uses, now you know how to clean its residue.

24. Keep your Shovel Snow-Free

While most of the applications need a spray or squirt of WD-40, you’ll need plenty of it from this application. Applying liberal amount, but a thin layer of this substance to both the sides of the shovel will prevent the snow from building on it. If you have a snow thrower, you can spray it inside of the chute so that snow does not clog it.
However, you will have to keep it handy, as you may need to reapply it, after a while. Not only WD-40 keeps the shovel snow free, but it will also enable the shovel to get through dirt, mud, or gravel.

25. Clean Dirty Tiles in your House

Have dirty tiles in your bathroom or kitchen? Well, you are not the one! The tiles come in dull colors and are quite prone to get dirty. You might have used a soap solution to clean them, but here is an easy remedy to get that dirt, filth, and grim off. Use WD-40.

Spray WD-40 on the dirty tiles and wipe the dirt off with a clean cloth. But after cleaning it with WD-40, make sure that you clean the tiles with soapy water as this cleaning solution is a bit slippery. And, you don’t want to slip and fall on your way. 

26. Remove Stuck Prostheses

If you or someone you know wears a prosthetic device, you might be aware of the fact, how difficult it is to remove, at times. It becomes even tougher when no one is around for your help. But who says, you need to be dependent on someone when you have a can of WD-40 by your side?
Next time, if you see an individual get stuck with prostheses, spray some WD-40 at the junction. The WD-40 comes with solvents and lubricants that make it easier to remove.

27. Clean Toothpaste Residue From Sinks

Got toothpaste residue, shaved hair or other grim particles in your sink? They all are some of the trickiest messes or remove, but you can get rid of them by using WD-40. This substance works like a miracle in cleaning the residues that are leftover in your sink.
Spray a squirt or two on the area with residues, let it soak in, and then wipe the gunk with a scrubber. With this cleaning process, you’ll have a fresh sink that is all set for your cooking, party, and potluck adventures.

28. Separate Stuck Glassware

What is worst than you reach for a drinking glass and getting them locked (stuck tightly inside other) together? Now, you don’t want to risk breaking one of them or both by trying to pull them apart, neither you will like to exert extra force on your precious wares.
However, stuck glasses separate with ease if you spray some WD-40 on the joint line. Wait for some time so that substance can work its way between the glasses. Now, gently pull the glasses apart. But remember to wash the glass thoroughly with a soap solution before you use them. 

29. Restore and Clean your Vehicle’s License Plates

Vehicle’s License Plates are made up of metal and tend to rust, as they come in contact with water or moisture. To help restore a license plate, spray WD-40 on it, let the area soak in the solution, and then wipe the rust off with a clean rag.
WD-40 will remove the light surface rust from the plate and won’t leave it with a greasy feel. In fact, not only it will remove the current rust on it, but it will also work to prevent further corrosion occurrence in the future. You just can’t go wrong with keeping WD-40 in your car at all times. 

30. Prevent Wasps from Building Nests

Don’t let the wasps, yellow jackets, or other insects ruin your spring and summer garden and outdoor parties. They all tend to build nests under eaves, in nooks and crannies of your house. So, next time, the spring season is here or about to come, spray some WD-40 under all the places that are prone to nest building.
WD-40 has a strong effect and will block the wasps from building their nests in the nooks. However, spray it in the evening or when the temperature is low as wasps do not move quickly in colder temperatures. 

31. Remove Doggie-Doo from your Sneaker

Have you stepped in doggie-doo, while you were on your evening walk? Although cleaning it off from the bottom of your sneaker is quite unpleasant, but the whole process becomes a lot easier with a can of WD-40. Just spray of some of it on the sole of your shoe, and then use an old toothbrush to clean the crevices.

After cleaning, rinse them with cold water, and your shoes will be as good as now. Moreover, now you are all set to go back on your daily stroll. But next time you hit the pavement, watch your step.

32. Remove and Prevent Fingerprints

Fingerprints are not only caused by the sweaty or dirty hand, but they also occur due to the oil that your skin produces naturally. If you have kids around your home, you’ll know that none of the surfaces are free from fingerprints. If you also see fingerprints on the stainless steel surfaces, use WD-40.
Spray a spurt of WD-40 on the surface with fingerprints and then clean them off. As WD-40 is water-based and contains a solvent, it works as a degreaser and removes every inch of the marks. 

33. Remove Strong Glue from your Fingers

Have you been doing a few Do-It-Yourself tasks? Forgot to wear protective gloves when using strong glue and now some of it is on your fingers? Well, this can happen to anyone. Moreover, the glue is impossible to remove from skin. However, there is one miracle product known as WD-40 that makes the glue removal easy.
Reach for WD-40, spray it directly on your fingers, and rub your hands together, until your fingers are no longer sticky. You can use this glue removal product to remove glue from other unwanted surfaces as well.

34. Prevent Corrosion on Guitar Strings

If you are a guitarist, you might have noticed that strings often tend to corrode. To clean and prevent corrosion on guitar strings, just apply a small amount of WD-40 on the strings after every guitar playing session. You can spray it on a rag or clean cloth and wipe the strings with it.
Make sure that you don’t spray it directly on the guitar strings as you don’t want WD-40 to build upon the body. By following this process, you can clean your other musical instruments with strings as well.

35. Remove Grease from your Hands

Whether you are fixing your car or working with radiators, your hands get black and greasy with grime. But instead of spreading black grease all over your sink, use WD-40. Spray some WD-40 on your hands, rub them together, and then wipe with a paper towel.
Ensure that you wash your hands so that extra grease and WD-40 can get off. Don’t use soap solutions before spraying WD-40, as then; it may not work to its full potential.

36. Break in your New Baseball Glove

Well, breaking in a new baseball glove is one of the most significant uses of WD-40 that might have not crossed your mind yet? Till now, you might be using neat’s-foot oil to break in it, but how about using WD-40, instead? Spray the glove with WD-40, put a baseball in your palm, and fold it sideways.
Take a band and tie it around the folded glove. The WD-40 will soften the leather and help it form the shape around baseball. Keep the glove overnight, wear it for a while, and it will begin to take the shape of your hand.

37. Keep Wooden Tool Handles Smooth

We know that no tools can last forever, be it wood or metal, but you can prolong the life of wooden tool handles by preventing splintering. Just reach out for a can of WD-40 from your garage and rub a good amount of this substance on your wooden tools.
The layer of WD-40 will shield the handles of wood tools from moisture, water, and other corrosive elements. Moreover, it will increase its life and keep the wooden tool handle smooth and splinter-free. 

38. Keep Wind Chimes Rust Free

There is no beautiful and soothing thing than the soft twinkling of wind chimes on the summer and windy day. But, during the cold and rainy days, they have to put up with a lot. The chimes get in contact with moisture and often tend to rust or corrode.
To keep them rust free, all you need is to give them a spray of WD-40. This substance as water displacement formula, due to which, it prevents and remove rust. Once they are rust-free, they look great and sound lovely.

39. Untangle your Old Jewelry

There are times when you don’t wear our old jewelry pieces including necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and more. But you also can’t leave them tangled in your jewelry box or can’t spend hours in untangling them. If you also face this situation, use WD-40.
Spray a small amount of WD-40 on the jewelry tangles. The knots will loosen up automatically, and the items will slide apart easily. Make sure that you don’t use a large amount as it may harm your jewelry. 

40. Remove Tomato Sauce Stains from your Clothes

We agree that snacks don’t taste their best without tomato puree. But when you were indulging in it, your blouse or shirt gets hard-to-remove stains on it. Before you dip the shirt in a detergent solution and wait for hours to clean it, try WD-40.
Spray a squirt of WD-40 directly on the spot, wait for few minutes, and then wash the shirt as usual. You can also remove the stains from other sauces by using this same process. Now, whether you are not able to resist the homegrown tomatoes or want to have some sauce, you know how to get rid of the stains.


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