Sunday, December 20, 2015

Obama - “Americans Who Own Guns More of a Threat Than Terrorists”

In a recent interview with the BBC, Obama expressed great frustration in his inability to obtain more gun control on a Federal level. He even went so far as to suggest that Americans owning guns is more of a threat to our country than terrorism is.
“If you look at the number of Americans killed since 9/11 by terrorism, it’s less than 100. If you look at the number that have been killed by gun violence, it’s in the tens of thousands.”
“The United States of America is the one advanced nation on earth in which we do not have sufficient common-sense, gun-safety laws.” However, it is not that America does not have gun control. Rather, it is that Americans increasingly see that gun control does not stop criminals from acting out their criminality, therefore support for more gun laws has waned.
Not only are his numbers rather skewed (ie: wrong) in this statement, but once again he refuses to propose anything about controlling gun use in the criminal element.
Obama has also vowed to pursue more stringent gun control in his remaining 18 months in office.

My baloney has a first name, it's B-A-R-A-K,
My baloney has a second name, it's O-B-A-M-A!
Oh, I'd like to chuck him in the trash and if you ask me, "Why?", I'll saaaaaaaaaaayyyy....
'Cause Barak Obama has a way of messing up the USA!
Obama, I would first direct that commend of yours to the gun brandishing New Black Panther Party members who chanted "Off the pigs" in Waller County, TX. Now THAT was armed provocation! That is a criminal act, and one could make a case for terrorism. Or are they not soft enough targets for you to disarm? Makes us really consider where your loyalties really lie, Mr. Prevaricator-in-Chief!
The only real threats to liberty and freedom in this country are adolf obama and those who support his fraudulent presidency.
It would be nice if we could get rid of him before the end of 2015!
I knew about what is happening to America today, before Obama was president, almost 8 years ago, I was telling anybody that would listen about our future, or lack of it, as I was trying to enter politics at local government level in NV, for 2 years I tried to get people to listen, those who did, most likely had nothing better to do, after I had spent most of my lifes saving, I started looking for a real job, to keep some money in my pocket, I sold my near new car to my neighbor, it was about then when I was told by a friend that I and my son were both on the "red list", naturally this caused some worry, and the family decided we would move to TN. The next day, the car that I had sold to my neighbor, expolded for no reason, killing my neighbor and his family, within 48 hours, I and my extended family (12 in all) were on our way to China. We have been living in China for almost 6 years now, still trying to help Americans understand that the good ol' days have gone forever. The friend that told me about the red list, is a guy I'd met years ago when I was with USAF, he then was AFISRA, then moved to CIA and later moved to a black on black with no name, about 3 years ago, he heard something the made him leave America suddenly, he packed a bag, drove to an estate agent, put his house on the market, drove to the airport and flew to China, his car is maybe still at the airport, and his house was still full of personal stuff ( or maybe the new owners had a garage sale).
This is what can happen, don't think for a minute that anybody is safe in America.
I'm safer here than you in the US of A. Sure, your right about political enemies, but in America, the government kills most political enemies using car accidents or faked suicides, my car accident would of cost my family $49,000, the price I sold my car to my neighbor for, a bit more than a bullet. You are more likely to be labelled a political enemy in the US, simply by using this website, whereas in China I'm held in high regard as someone that has seen the light, sort of thing. Don't believe all that you hear about other countries, while I was with the USAF, I wrote pro-American propagana that made a lot of things that happen when it hits the fan, into happy, victorous events that made people glad to be American, there are plenty of other writers that write how bad everywhere else is.
I have a lot of freedom in China, I carry a gun while I'm at work, I would leave China a couple times a month by plane, and after 5 years residency I and my family members applied for the permanent visa. One thing we can't do here, is to take gold out of the country, but life here is very similar to that in America in the 1960's & 70's.
In 1992, I was stationed in Japan for 6 months, I didn't like it at all, I have had holidays in Thailand, nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there, about the same as is Tiawan (aka Republic of China) I decided on China (aka Peoples Republic of China) because there are so many Americans here, and I had not heard a bad word about this place before leaving USA, other places I considered were India & Brazil. I came here with my extend family, some were keen for adventure, my father-in-law ( ex Vietnam veteran) had thoughts similar to yours, but now, almost 6 years later, none of us would return to the US, I have had 3 of my 4 grandchildren born here, and the 3 eldest attend school where they learn what kids should learn and not political correct BS. There is a club in Shanghai ( about 1000 km from where I live) it is called the MILEX CLUB, it was originally going to be called the USA Ex Military Club, but this name was not allowed, and if it was for ex military people, it had to be for "all" ex military people, it now is, but it is mostly filled with Americans, I make a point of going there at least once each year. The China that you know about, is not the China that my family and I have learnt to love.

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