Sunday, December 20, 2015

Don’t Like The Term Anchor Baby? There’s The Border – Donald Trump Once Again Standing Tall, Not Backing Down From Truth
Posted on August 21, 2015 by Rick Wells in Politics

Donald Trump can’t be bullied into the politically correct box that presidential candidates are supposed to feel compelled to crawl into. While that fact has become well known since his announcement, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t times where it still has to be demonstrated to liberal media operatives. It’s generally a one sided interaction where the operative ultimately ends up unsatisfied, on the losing end of a short, direct and no-nonsense confrontation with someone who actually says things as they are rather than in a “G” rated, suitable for consumption by all audiences of every imaginable composition, sanitized form.

In its narrative the ABC piece is remarkably detached and ignorant, questioning Trump’s use of the term anchor babies “to describe children of undocumented immigrants born in the U.S.” It is their language that is incorrect, Trump is using the term to describe the children of illegal alien invaders born in the U.S. They aren’t immigrants.
The obviously out of touch narrator seems amazed as he cites the Trump position, saying, “Trump says the parents have the child so they’re not deported.” Their premise is almost “well duh” invoking and surely no great revelation; it’s something he must be well aware of but is simply trying to manipulate as part of his anti-Trump, anti-America message.

Anchor babies are a time-tested, well-worn path of the successful circumvention of American immigration law. It’s been an open secret that wasn’t discussed until Trump decided it was an issue that needed to be addressed. Even Mr. Llamas can’t honestly dispute the true nature of what is going on and likely it is being approached behind a shield of “insensitive” terminology.
The “reporter,” Tom Llamas, bears an Hispanic surname and may well be an anchor baby himself. He said, “That’s an offensive term, people find that hurtful,” in his attempt to vilify Mr. Trump and save the anchor baby method of infiltrating American society. What’s actually offensive is the invasion of our country and the pathetic substitute for American leadership which is both an active and passive participant in its conduct. It is a blatant assault on American sovereignty,our economic health and our sustainability. What is truly “hurtful” is the damage being inflicted upon the citizens of our nation and our future.

If the illegal invaders and their spawn don’t like the sound of the truth, they can head back to Mexico or whatever country they rightfully belong in and spare themselves the auditory discomfort. The facts are the facts and anchor babies, illegal alien invaders born in the country in which their crime took place, should not be rewarded for their crimes with the grand prize. They should be treated as the foreign trespassers they are and dropped off at the border, with no benefit and severe penalties should they attempt to return.

Rick Wells is a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit & .

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