Sunday, August 4, 2019

The Communist Socialist Democrats ARE RESPONSIBLE for the Shootings at the El Paso, TX Wal-Mart that resulted in 20 KILLED and DOZENS Injured!

Comments about AMERICANS... ESPECIALLY Smelly Walmart Shoppers from Communist Socialist Democrats
"Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support...."
NOTE: As a Senator, Barack Obama stated: He'd NEVER SHOP at a Wal-Mart  and held the Company (Wal-Mart) up as a Emblem of Corporate GREED.  


The Wal-Mart I go to generally has the overwhelming stench of government dependency with piquant undertones of contrarian deplorability. I don’t think anyone is getting many votes out of there. And that may be what outrages the Left about Wal-Mart. It’s not the low wages and crappy Chinese imports. A text from Peter Strzok, dated August 26, 2016. From a list of "text messages of a political nature commenting on Trump and Clinton" by Strzok and Lisa Page quoted in the IG report at pages 399-400.

The El Paso Shooter is a REGISTERED DEMOCRAT. Don't let the Communist Socialist Media SPIN A NARRATIVE.

"You got into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And  it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." -- Barack Obama

Goodlatte Questions Strzok On His Remark About ‘SMELLING’ Trump Supporters At Walmart
Here’s another awkward exchange that just went down at Peter Strzok’s contentious hearing. Rep. Goodlatte asked him about one of his particularly offensive text messages– the one about “smelingl” Trump supporters at Walmart.

“Do you understand the implications of this text when my constituents in Virginia read it?” Goodlatte asked.

“I do, sir. I would ask you to tell them that was, in some cases, a certainly unfortunate use of words,” Strzok said.

"I Can SMELL Them at Walmart", Trey Gowdy PISSED at FBI Agent Insulting Trump Supporters!

Peter Strzok: I Didn’t Really Mean Trump Supporters Were ‘Ignorant Hillbillies’

Disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok said Thursday that his disparaging comments about “ignorant hillbilly” Trump supporters were not meant to disparage Trump supporters as ignorant hillbillies.
.@RepSteveChabot: "Don't you think that the American people, when they're paying your salaries...deserved a whole lot better than what those comments I just referred to reflect?"

Peter Strzok: "I absolutely regret the appearance of some of those texts."

CHABOT talking to STRZOK: And in fact, as we learned you apparently found Donald Trump’s supporters detestable too. Those around Loudon, Virginia as we’ve already heard you called ignorant blanks. I’m not going to say that here. And that you visited a southern Virginia Walmart and could smell the Trump support. Now, I have to say that when I read those communications and when I hear them here between the two of you, Specifically, what you had to say about Trump supporters, it reminded me of something Hillary Clinton had said about Trump supporters. She found them — what did she call them? Deplorables. I would submit it was your and Hillary Clinton’s smug view of Donald Trump’s supporters that would truly deportable. Don’t you think that the American people when they’re paying your salaries, when they are paying for a fair and unbias investigation from none other than the FBI that they deserved a whole lot better then what those comments I just referred to reflect?

Tucker Carlson: No country can survive being ruled by people who hate it

Jul. 10, 2019 - 6:57 - Tucker responds to comments by Rep. Ilhan Omar following criticism made during ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’
Now, the left considers it a curse word too. And given the left’s recent hostility to middle class working people, maybe its part of the “irredeemables”, “bitter clingers”, “smelly Walmart shoppers” contempt the liberal elites have for ordinary people without any change in the meaning itself.  The hatred is of the country itself so much as it is for the people who don’t share the left’s views. Now and then they let it slip out, as with “bitter clingers”, “irredeemables” and “smelly Walmart shoppers” who need (among other things) to “change their religion” to accommodate leftist ideals like abortion. The country itself is a geographical location with a governmental system that has benefitted Omar a great deal.
Carlson purported to characterize her views. “Omar isn’t disappointed in America,” he said. “She’s enraged by it. Virtually every public statement she makes accuses Americans of bigotry and racism. This is an immoral country, she says. She has undisguised contempt for the United States and for its people.”
A review of Omar’s public statements shows that isn’t true 1. Although Omar is frequently critical of the United States, she tends to attack what she regards as the country’s failure to live up to its lofty values. “She was almost like a cliché of a civic-minded new American,” one of her college professors told The New York Times . “She would quote the Declaration of Independence asking, ‘Why have we come up short?’”

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